Simplify Your Business Dealings With Accounts Receivable Financing

Keeping track of outstanding invoices can be time-consuming. It can also be frustrating to try to collect money from customers who consistently take 90 days or longer to pay. Fortunately, you can simplify your business dealings and get quick cash in the process with accounts receivable financing. If you have a lot of outstanding receivables but you’re strapped for cash now, this program is ideal.

How It Works

At Mahler Commercial Lending Group, we purchase receivable invoices at a discounted rate. We offer cash within 24 hours for all invoices we purchase. There are many benefits to taking advantage of this financing receivables program, including:

  • No fixed payments
  • Greater financial flexibility
  • No-cost credit insurance on your clients
  • Immediate funding to put toward any pressing need

When you take advantage of this program, you essentially sell an asset to us. It’s a little like outsourcing your AR department so you can take care of other pressing matters. With the money you receive, you’ll have greater financial flexibility. Use the extra money to fulfill large orders, keep up with seasonal demands or take care of normal operating expenses.

Apply Today

It doesn’t cost any money to apply for our accounts receivable program. To get started today with no obligation, contact us during business hours.