An SBA Loan May Be the Best Way To Fund Your Business
For many small businesses, getting a loan with good terms and low rates can be difficult. The Small Business Administration offers several programs to make it a little easier. Apply for a loan through Mahler Commercial Lending Group under one of these programs and you may receive more funding with better terms than you would otherwise qualify for.
Large Loan Amounts
You could receive up to $5 million as a small business loan. The Small Business Administration will guarantee the loan, meaning you need less collateral to qualify. The terms go up to 25 years with full amortization. We offer both variable and fixed rates under the 504 and 7a programs. There are no prepayment penalties ever.
Fund Your Real Estate Project
If you want to purchase, renovate or refinance an owner-occupied or hospitality property, one of these loans could help. The Small Business Administration can make your real estate project a reality. These are some of the types of properties you can use an SBA loan for:
- Automotive buildings
- Hospitality properties
- Childcare facilities
- Veterinary practices
- Warehouses
- Offices
- Single-purpose buildings
- Nonconforming properties
Finance Your Equipment
You could use a small business loan to pay for your team’s equipment. These are a few examples of the types of equipment you can buy:
- Heavy equipment
- Manufacturing machines
- Vehicles
- Diagnostic equipment
- Medical machines
- Machine tools
- Laundry equipment
Acquire a Business
SBA loans can be used for acquiring other businesses as well. These loans have terms up to 15 years with no ballooning, full amortization and no prepayment penalties. We make the decision primarily based on the business cash flow and management. Whether you want to acquire a competitor or buy out a partner, a Small Business Administration loan could help.
Learn More
Find out if you could qualify for a small business loan from Mahler Commercial Lending Group. Contact us today to speak with a representative and receive a free consultation and financial analysis.